Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Most Overlooked Area When Reviewing Your Credit Report

By Daniel Sater, Nationally Recognized Credit Expert and Credit Expert Witness

When pulling your credit report, it is important for you to spend time reviewing your Personal Identifying Information (PPI) section of the report. A credit report has 5 components. This section with you name, addresses, phone numbers, social security number, and date of birth, among other personal information is the only section of a credit report that is not scored. So why should this be an important section for you to spend your time on? Because, it may alert you to reported items that is lowering your credit scores.

What to Look For
If someone is trying to use your identity, some information will show up in this information section. Are all the addresses listed belong to you, now, or in years past? Is there a social security number listed that does not belong to you? Is your name misspelled? These could be signs of someone misusing your credit for themselves – Identity Theft. If information reporting on your credit report is not yours, it may be the first clue that you are a victim of Identity Theft. If accounts not belonging to you are showing up on your credit report, you may have someone else’s account possibly damaging your credit scores.

How This Information Gets Placed on Your Credit Report
The credit bureaus rely on identifying information to connect accounts that should be showing up on your credit reports. In their efforts to ensure that all accounts belonging to you are reported on your credit report, they use a fuzzy logic that is designed to consider human errors in the entry of data. For example, they only need to match the first two letters of your first name, a partial address match, or seven of the nine digits of your social security number to place an account onto your credit report.

Removing false identifying information from your credit report will help to prevent accounts, not belonging to you from being added to your report. This can help reduce Identity Theft ensure that your credit doesn’t get mixed up with others, which commonly happens.

At Credit Scoring Advisor, we will challenge the credit bureaus to delete these false reporting of personal information at no charge for our clients. Give us a call today 631-465-9565 to see how we may help you improve your credit scores. Visit our website… www.CreditScoringAdvisor.com

Credit Scoring Advisor is a national credit repair company with an 87.64% deletion rate in 2017 that we have achieved for our clients.
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